(they both make my life so neat! Here's a picture taken back at Christmas time =D)

"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." -Mother Theresa
You Are Sunrise |
AT age Five!............................ (He had the best sense of style in town!)
WE ALL DREAD HITTING THE AGE OF SIX, lets see how Rascal reacts....
(I don't know how ready he is to grow up quite so quickly =/) lol.
Hello I am Mary and this is my first blog in the history of (my) BLOGS! Yep, I'm purdy excited about it! All thanks too my gorgeous, outrageously awesome, and amazing sister Jessie..I mean Jessy. lol. (just playing Jess.) Well, Since It just so happens that my account began yesterday, which just so happened to be SUPER BALL SUNDAY, I think my first blog should explain how that day went.......... =oP
We all go to church because super bowl or not Church is the best part about Sunday!!
Get home, my mom is gone (of course lol) ..which means....
I am now the master of all!!! muhuahah!!!
So I decided "what the heck lets put a huge smile on the boss's face" (aka mom)
So I went insane cleaning -cooking- scrambling- and having so much fun! I was so tired I didn't even watch the game...national crime....I took a nap instead...oh yes It was so nice!
Well, people came over, we all pigged-out on the homemade "Mary style" chili and then.... me and my nieces and nephews had the blast we always have when they come over!
here are just a few pictures of the coolest kids in the world..belonging to none other that the coolest sister ever...Jessy!
SO SUNDAY WAS QUICKLY DONE AND OVER WITH! and now, here i sit swamped with hwk once again, and very little time to do it! haha. "fun times" well. I'm off....to a week of schoooool! ;)